Come check us out!
Wednesday evenings
Confirmation 6:00 PM (September - May)
Praise Team 6:00 pm
Choir 7:00 pm (September - May)
Traditional Worship with Holy Communion at 5:00 pm
Sunday mornings
Sunday School 8:50 (September - May)
Adult Bible Study 9:00
Coffee Hour and Adult Education 9:00
Contemporary Worship with Holy Communion 10:00
You can view all Sunday morning services here, via our Facebook page, our YouTube channel, or on our app.
Services will be saved on Facebook, YouTube, the app, and on our “Worship Services” page if you can’t watch live on Sunday’s at 10am
To be and make disciples for Christ
We're a vibrant, Christian community located in Burlington, WI.
Join us for worship, fellowship, and outreach.
Church App
Guess what?! Cross officially has its own app! Click the link below to download the app directly to your phone or tablet.
Once downloaded, you'll be able to post to our prayer wall, read the Bible, check out upcoming events, give to Cross, and so much more.
Noah's ark preschool
Noah's Ark has been providing quality education for preschoolers for over 30 years. Noah's Ark is a Burlington Area School District 4K provider as of Fall 2014. Enrollment is open now for 3K and before/after care. 4K enrollment is through BASD.
Be sure to check out our fantastic preschool program, with quality teachers who are ready to welcome you and answer your questions.
All classes are currently full, but do not hesitate to contact Noah’s Ark if you would like more information or enrollment information for the future.
Facebook & instagram
Join the Cross community on Facebook!
Find up-to-date information about Cross, what events are coming up, see pictures from past gatherings, and interact with your fellow members.
And follow us on Instagram: @crosslutheranburlington.
Send your pictures to share with the congregation to:
We've partnered with, a Christian giving service that offers mobile and online giving for congregations. Whether you want to set up a recurring offering or share a one-time gift, makes it incredibly easy!
Simply download the app from your app store or click below to set up your account and share your financial gift:
Cross Lutheran Church - For general fund and giving
Cross Lutheran Building - For major maintenance or other building gifts
Cross Lutheran Ministry - For registrations, such as Sunday School, Confirmation, or Vacation Bible School
Cross Lutheran Youth - For gifts to the Youth and Family ministries that support youth events, going to camp, or Cross-sponsored trips
Cross Lutheran Parking Lot Fund - For the parking lot project
If you know your offering box number, please put that in the Member ID box (this will help the Financial Office keep your records confidential and up-to-date). Or you can call the church office to talk with Bobbie Abel, our Financial Manager.